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16 Level
15,685 Experience
110,300,042 Damage
8.765625 Economy skill
2278 Strength
Day 1 Birthday
1 / 23 National by XP
1 / 23 National by DMG
211 / 4,356 Global by XP
317 / 4,356 Global by DMG
Political office President of Cameroon
Political office Party leader
Military unit Cameroon Lions

4,257 - 6,555
Critical hit:
8,514 - 13,110
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+3.36 %
Total critical hit chance
15.86 %
15.86 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-6.56 %
-2.46 %
Overall miss chance
3.48 %
3.48 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+1.65 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
6.65 %
6.65 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
+0.85 %
+1.33 %
Free flight final chance
2.18 %
2.18 %
  • x4
  • x2
  • x5
  • x4
  • x81
  • x3
  • x5
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 68 of 270See all achievements
Friends (22)
I wrote my first article ....so..please read it.
Good luck to all
Petar Kresimir V posted 8 years ago

Let's try to make Tunisia debuff, hit in RW in Tibesti for Chad.
Let's send MPP proposal to some potential allies (Sudan, Algeria, Algeria, Turkey, Croatia, Estonia....)
Petar Kresimir V posted 8 years ago

I couldn't believe that traitor become CP. Something is rotten in Cameroon
Petar Kresimir V posted 8 years ago

Congratulation, friends
We have our high iron region, again
And just one round to get East Cameroon back, too
Petar Kresimir V posted 8 years ago

one traitor is CP candidate. He is member or Sudan's MU and hit against Cameroon. His name is jurgenrukja007.
I hope that he would have just his vote.
Would we have one strong candidate for CP?
Petar Kresimir V posted 8 years ago

Have we any ally?
We hit for our allies,but they didn't hit for us, and we lost 2 high regions against Chad which is not much stronger than we are.
Does any of you have any idea, proposal or solution?
Petar Kresimir V posted 8 years ago

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