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Fighting only for justice
Selling some crap when i have

Special thanks to: gugo123 szenko1

My *smaall amount* of friends:
Serbian32 Piraeus

E-Sim amateur and journalist

In Tikva power stands!


Never did I fail to stay
With my head cold but
Still to my shoulders attached.
But sharing the room with your
Horny head makes my
Stomach wanna run through my mouth.
We all seem to recognize
Your ugly face from the past.
Seeing you there sitting
All alone brings the
genious thought to my mind.

Setting the score with your
Life is the cure for my
Poisoned wound called the hate.
Now it's the time for you
To see and feel all the
Justice that I have to reveal.
We all gonna crucify
Your ugly face tonight.
Ready or not we come
To start a fight and to
Break your head apart.

Are you recognizing me
I was part of your game
This blood ravenge is mine
Of happiness I cry
While breaking your skull

Justice is blind and
Cannot see so we need to
Do it louder for it to hear.
It seems like you're weak when you're
All alone with nobody standing
Behind your strong words.
You now seem to recognize
What you have done before.
But now it's too late for you
As it was for me and my
friend who had died.

Are you recognizing me
I was part of your game
This blood ravenge is mine
Of happiness I cry
While breaking your skull
Major General
14 Level
7,250 Experience
38,521,650 Damage
7.953125 (8.123) Economy skill
2122 Strength
Day 5 Birthday
21 / 153 National by XP
19 / 153 National by DMG
751 / 4,356 Global by XP
712 / 4,356 Global by DMG
Military unit VeS Panteri
Working at

4,057 - 6,085
Critical hit:
8,114 - 12,170
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+2.32 %
+4.81 %
+3.49 %
+2.63 %
Total critical hit chance
25.75 %
25.75 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-4.99 %
-5.05 %
-3.51 %
Overall miss chance
-1.05 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+3.6 %
+3.43 %
+3.54 %
+0.6 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
16.17 %
16.17 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
0.0 %
  • x4
  • x23
  • x3
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 59 of 270See all achievements
Friends (19)
kao da antica ponovo staje na noge
tikvica_tikvica posted 7 years ago

Ili menjam isti q4 wu za q3 cipele ciji jedan od statsa mora biti miss,drugi moze da bude avoid crit dmg,nikako str,free flight,less wep per bers i ostalo
tikvica_tikvica posted 8 years ago

prodajem q4 weapon upgrade,kako kome za merge,mada je dobar i za koriscenje,zainteresovani u Pm inbox statsi su max i crit
tikvica_tikvica posted 8 years ago

prodajem q4 weapon upgrade,cena 60 golda,statsi su max i crit
tikvica_tikvica posted 8 years ago

prodajem q4 pante max 7.77% max 7.89% zainteresovani u pm inbox
tikvica_tikvica posted 8 years ago

http://prntscr.com/b2brlk roze boja na mapi nestala!
tikvica_tikvica posted 8 years ago

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